
Pemodelan garis pantai dengan mike 21
Pemodelan garis pantai dengan mike 21

pemodelan garis pantai dengan mike 21

Jurnal Applied of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Design for Fuel Pipeline Network at Naval Base.Īpplied of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Design for Fuel Pipeline Network at Naval Base, 14 (2).ġ5. Jurnal Establishing the Location of Naval Base Using Fuzzy MCDM and Covering Technique Methods: A Case Study.Įstablishing the Location of Naval Base Using Fuzzy MCDM and Covering Technique Methods: A Case Study, 23 (1).ġ1.


Studi Hasil Running Model Arus Permukaan Dengan Software Numerik Mike 21/3 (Guna Penentuan Lokasi Penempatan Stasiun Energi Arus Selat Lombok-Nusapenida), 1 (1).ġ. Jurnal Studi Hasil Running Model Arus Permukaan Dengan Software Numerik Mike 21/3 (Guna Penentuan Lokasi Penempatan Stasiun Energi Arus Selat Lombok-Nusapenida).

pemodelan garis pantai dengan mike 21

Rancang Bangun Alat Pengukur Gelombang Permukaan Laut Presisi Tinggi (A Prototype Design), 1 (1).Ģ7. Jurnal Rancang Bangun Alat Pengukur Gelombang Permukaan Laut Presisi Tinggi (A Prototype Design). Jurnal Analisa Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Wilayah Pesisir Selat Madura.Īnalisa Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Wilayah Pesisir Selat Madura, 7 (4).Ģ6. The Sustainability Naval Base Model using System Dynamic Methods, 1 (1).Ģ1. Jurnal The Sustainability Naval Base Model using System Dynamic Methods. Jurnal Applied Fuzzy and Nasa TLX Method to Measure of The Mental Workload.Īpplied Fuzzy and Nasa TLX Method to Measure of The Mental Workload, 97 (2).ġ7. The Naval Harbours Priority Development Using Zero-One Matrix Decision Variable (ZOMDV) And Fuzzy Mcdm Methods A Case Study, 10 (2).Ĩ. Jurnal The Naval Harbours Priority Development Using Zero-One Matrix Decision Variable (ZOMDV) And Fuzzy Mcdm Methods A Case Study. The Assesment Of Naval Base Sustainability Using Dynamic System Thinking Approach, 8 (11).ħ. Jurnal The Assesment Of Naval Base Sustainability Using Dynamic System Thinking Approach. Pengaruh Pergerakan Massa Air Dan Distribusi Parameter Temperatur, Salinitas Dan Kecepatan Suara Pada Komunikasi Kapal Selam, 11 (2).ĥ. Jurnal Pengaruh Pergerakan Massa Air Dan Distribusi Parameter Temperatur, Salinitas Dan Kecepatan Suara Pada Komunikasi Kapal Selam. Pemanfaatan Citra Satelit Resolusi Tinggi Untuk Identifikasi Perubahan Garis Pantai Pesisir Utara Surabaya, 12 (1).Ģ5. Jurnal Pemanfaatan Citra Satelit Resolusi Tinggi Untuk Identifikasi Perubahan Garis Pantai Pesisir Utara Surabaya. Navy Ability Development Strategy using SWOT Analysis-Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM), 24 (1).Ģ4. Jurnal Navy Ability Development Strategy using SWOT Analysis-Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM).

pemodelan garis pantai dengan mike 21

Powder Smoke Composite Building Design As A Weapon Of Sea, Air And Land Defense Sabotage, 9 (1).ġ8. Jurnal Powder Smoke Composite Building Design As A Weapon Of Sea, Air And Land Defense Sabotage. Jurnal The Aplications of Model Bayesian Networks For Analysis and Preventive Actions on Maritime Security Operations.Ĥ. Jurnal Determination Of Maintenance Facility Locations And Improvements To Support The Operation Of Indonesian Navy In North Natuna Sea By The Fuzzy Mcdm Methods.ģ. Jurnal Analysis Of Utilization Chlorophyll-A Concentration Data From Remote Sensing Imagery To Support Maritime Security Operations (Case Studies In The Arafura Sea).Ģ9. Jurnal Analisa Strategi Pemberdayaan Komponen Maritim dalam Mendukung Operasi Keamanan Laut Nasional.Īnalisa Strategi Pemberdayaan Komponen Maritim dalam Mendukung Operasi Keamanan Laut Nasional, 13 (1).Ģ8. The Aplications of Model Bayesian Networks For Analysis and Preventive Actions on Maritime Security Operations, 9 (3).Ģ2. Juranl The Application Of Nasa-Tlx Methods To Analysis Of Mtf Navy Personnel Allocation. The Threats Analysis Of The Islamic State Network Development In Southeast Asia Region : Case Study Of The Border Of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand And The Philippines, 11 (1).Ģ. Jurnal The Threats Analysis Of The Islamic State Network Development In Southeast Asia Region : Case Study Of The Border Of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand And The Philippines. Jurnal Feasibility Analysis Of Naval Base Relocation Using Swot And Ahp Method To Support Main Duties Operation.įeasibility Analysis Of Naval Base Relocation Using Swot And Ahp Method To Support Main Duties Operation, 7 (1).ġ9. Human resources development assessment planning program and bureaucratic reform manage-ment on the performance of government organization, 11 (4).ġ6. Jurnal Human resources development assessment planning program and bureaucratic reform manage-ment on the performance of government organization.

Pemodelan garis pantai dengan mike 21